Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Difference...

The difference between Emma and Ethan...

Mommy was cleaning the garage out. Emma was left to play. After inspecting her plethora of possibilities in her room, she decided she wanted to paint. Ethan was napping, and she knew the rule: watercolors, only when Ethan is napping. With excitement we put her smock over her ballerina suit and tutu and got painting. Mommy set her up: Gerber baby food container of water, paper towels, paintbrushes from Chelsey (the best Sunday School teacher ever), paints and watercolor paper. Knowing this could be an independent project, Mommy went back to cleaning out the garage (spiders lurking).

Emma came running out, five minutes later, "Mom, I have a picture for you!"

The quiet that comes with a busy Emma and a busy Ethan are like night and day...each has an imagination, but the outcome is very different.
Thank you Lord for the quiet imagination...this time the end result will go in a picture frame, next time it may be the dust pan and trash can.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Afternoon Blessing

Once again, Emma refuses to go to sleep at naptime. How do things get so backwards?

Dream: A designated time for Mommy to lay down and close her eyes.

Irony: Emma is the one with the energy to wash the dishes, fold laundry, unpack more boxes, mop the kitchen, clean bathrooms...

Victory: Mommy's motivation to get stuff done has empowered her to outlast Emma's stubbornness in closing her eyes...

Blessing: Children...and a house to take care of...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What's Important...

So Emma has started operating the camera. Taking pictures is so fun! Its amazing what we find “important” on the memory card...according to Emma. Multiple pictures of her brother, dad, mom and even her foster sister (when we can catch her not working or at college). Pictures of her art supplies, her name written on a piece of paper, her lego creations...

Her daily surroundings have been recorded forever. The things she holds dear, the things that are purposefully framed in the viewfinder and captured. I can't help but thank God for all we each other as a family and our daily blessings. Thanks Emma, for reminding us that many times its the little, daily things, that are truly important.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Spring cleaning is always fun, especially when my husband is involved. He started and ended for the day, in his closet. When it was all said and done, he had two garbage bags of shoes and another pile of garbage bags of clothes. All I can say is, wow.

Question #1 -

Wondering what my mood should be...
for his progress?
frustrated it took him this long?
happy he did it all himself?
sad that a fraction of “my big comfy pj's” are packed up and gone?

Question #2 –
Isn't the woman of the relationship supposed to have more shoes than the man? He definitely had more shoes than I!

Thank you Lord, for our abundance.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

These are the days!

It hasn't been two weeks, and we are sick once again. Emma sounds like she smokes a carton a day, coughing and clearing the throat, coughing, clearing the throat...Ethan has started mimicking her and laughing.

As of late, Ethan has found so many things he can do by himself...he can put things in the toilet (when the bathroom door gets left open), proud that the entire contents of the bathroom trash, can FIT in the toilet bowl! If we haven't caught him by then, the toilet paper roll gets the attention...use your imagination. Fifteen months have a way of teaching a thing or two.

He can also do special feats like pull things off the kitchen table, put things in the kitchen trash, hide small objects in shoes left by the door, and best of all, empty out the kids' laundry hamper (after which, he then crawls inside and gets stuck, yelling for someone to rescue him).

Today was an all-time record. He found the hall closet ajar and discovered a supply of toilet paper. What better entertainment is there? Only one roll got his attention before he got caught. Emma and I gathered all the pieces, closed the door, went to put the shredded tissue in the kitchen trash, and found he had already beat us to the can...pulling out this morning's coffee filter, grounds and all.

As I finish this blog, Emma is yelling, “NO!” in the back room. After investigating, there seems to be a magnetic force, drawing Ethan to the electrical outlets. The frog night light has been taken apart (while still plugged in and shining brightly). I forgot to unplug the stereo and night light this morning, inserting the outlet covers...he noticed!

We are so blessed to have children who like to explore and have the ability to cough and move and reach and grasp...thank you Lord for these days!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Had this dream last night and felt prompted to share it. Would appreciate your thoughts.


I was standing at the back door or my house and all of a sudden there was the sound of wind. As I looked out the sliding glass door I could see that there was something flying around in the wind. I cracked the sliding door and maple tree seeds flew in through the crack in the door, you know the helicopter kind we all played with as children. This was strange since there are no mature trees in our neighborhood.

I stood there watching as the seeds increased in number, they became so thick that I was unsure about going outside, but there seemed to be something compelling me to go outside. I knew I was supposed to be outside in the midst of those seeds. All at once I understood that I was seeing a tornado. It was not large, just big enough to take up the width of my backyard. Instead of running outside I called for Amy to bring Emma. “Get her Crocs on I want her to experience this” I said. Amy was rushing around trying to find Emma’s Crocs and I was torn between running out in the midst of the sea of swirling seeds and waiting to grab my daughter to experience this “storm” with me. At this point I can recall thinking, “There are going to be trees everywhere in my lawn! It is going to be ruined!” Yet there was something so intriguing/beautiful/intrinsic about what was taking place, the consequence did not seem to matter.

Just as Amy got Emma to the door the tornado appeared in our backyard. Emma stood behind my legs peering at the storm from behind me. I stood and watched as awnings were picked up and torn to pieces as they became part of this mass of wind and debris. Even at this point there was no fear, the emotion was peace. Then as quickly as the tornado came it was gone.
Emma and I ventured outside to look at what had taken place. I remember hearing and feeling the seeds cracking under my feet as I walked. The storm had been in our backyard but there was no visible damage to any of our property, I walked over to the fence and it was wobbly but not damaged. It was at this moment that friends of mine began sending me picture mail of the storm as they had seen it. I remember thinking, “How did they see this it was in my backyard?”

Then I awoke.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Life and Death

Thank you to everyone that voted in the poll. Looks like Amy continues to be above average. One other person did vote that they had 7+ stick of deodorant but I am pretty sure Amy voted twice :)

Ethan woke this last night/thing morning with a horrible cough. Amy took him to the Doc and we got a prescription for a steroid that is supposed to clear it up. I have him doing some bench presses at the moment, might as well make good use of the drugs.
As many of you know Amy’s Grandpa Kindsfater passed away last week. The funeral is on Wednesday so please keep her and the family in your prayers. This is a very hard time, but I am so happy that Amy was able to go back just a couple of weeks ago to see him. Those memories will be ones we will cherish.

The next two weeks for me are going to be filled with homework, homework, and a little more homework. I have class this Saturday and next, and three…maybe four projects left to complete. Also, I have 4 books to finish reading. It is hard for me to believe that I am just over 10% of the way done with my Masters. I have learned so much already. I asked a few of our high school students at church on Sunday what changes they had noticed in the way we do things since I started back to school (formative assessment of myself) their reply, “you use a lot of new words.” I chuckled even as I wrote that.

I am still working on my review of Gen Unleashed, hoping to have it up by the end of this week.

New poll coming soon.
